
But my name is nowhere in the probe report findings. They are even finding people guilty of standing in proximity with certain people. Through this, we would like to ask the V-C and other member panels the reason behind such an action. floor insulation Suppliers Then I am also served a show-cause, which asks me to explain why I should not be punished.” Aishwarya, an MA student and elected member of the varsity’s Gender Sensitisation Committee against Sexual Harassment, is among the eight students who were debarred by the university after a preliminary report of the probe panel found them “guilty”. What a crime to commit!”. Ms Adhikari also echoed her views on the issue: “From the very beginning, we have had objections with setting up and functioning of the committee. So, what is my crime then What am I supposed to explain This undemocratic enquiry’s report is full of weird surprises. Amongst the new students who have been issued the show-cause notice in the JNU matter, Aishwarya Adhikari has alleged she was suspended under false implications.

While 21 students have been served the show-cause notice in the aftermath of the Afzhal Guru event so far, Ms Adhikari claimed that her name is unlikely to figure in the high-level enquiry report.Amongst the new students who have been issued the show-cause notice in the JNU matter, Aishwarya Adhikari has alleged she was suspended under false implications. Amrita, an independent leader of AISF, said, “Aishwarya was sent the show-cause notice in spite of her name not being mentioned in the report. I have been suspended after a preliminary report found me guilty. In fact, not only her, but there are few students whose name were removed and some were sent the notices whose names were not even mentioned in the report. This reported disparity has irked students and the JNU Teachers Association (JNUTA), who called the enquiry partial and biased, and decided to oppose the disciplinary action taken against students who have been sent the show-cause notices. How can you just prove someone guilty even if he or she is not involved This is the reason we will be campaigning against the spurious ‘findings’ of the enquiry committee report on Friday. But their suspension was revoked on March 11 after the panel submitted its report on the controversial event on campus

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